Use awk to Print from nth element to the End of the Line

If you want to extract from the nth token to the end of the line, following is how you can do that with awk:

Given a source file with the following:

line1 -- 01   0011 1
line2 -- 01   0011 2
line3 -- 01   0011 3
line4 -- 01   0011 4
line5 -- 01   0011 5
line6 -- 01   0011 6
line7 -- 01   0011 7
line8 -- 01   0011 8
line9 -- 01   0011 9
line10 -- 01   0011 
Continue reading “Use awk to Print from nth element to the End of the Line”

JVM Option for Increasing the Default Number of Lines in the StackTrace

By default (Java 1.6 or greater), the JVM will output, at most, 1024 lines of the stack trace.

In the situation where you have some recursion problem or some infinite loop that results in a stack overflow error you will need to increase this value with a JVM option to see the origin of your crash.

To do so, add the following option to the java command

$ java -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=-1 -jar some.jar some.package.Class  etc, etc,

-1 indicates no limit.  Any → Continue reading “JVM Option for Increasing the Default Number of Lines in the StackTrace”

Debugging Maven Tests by Connecting an IDE to the Maven JVM

In some instances you cannot reproduce a failure or condition running a test in an IDE that manifests itself when you run it on your build server or via maven on the command line.

In that case, it is very helpful to be able to remotely attach your IDE to the running maven process and then step through the code.

To do so you will need to:

Execute maven on  the command line as follows (adding any additional -D args → Continue reading “Debugging Maven Tests by Connecting an IDE to the Maven JVM”

Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException: Can’t attach to the process [SOLVED]

If you are attempting to use jmap or another Java memory analysis tool to connect to a running JVM to generate a heap dump, even when running jmap as the same user as that of the running process, and encounter the following error:

Attaching to process ID 2712, please wait...
Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException: Can't attach to the process

Following is the (likely) solution to your problem.

It is likely that the ptrace_scope setting for your system is set → Continue reading “Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException: Can’t attach to the process [SOLVED]”

Firewall for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

For whatever reason, Ubuntu 14.04 does not seem to come with a firewall.

There are however two packages which provide, both a firewall and a handy GUI front-end for it.  UncomplicatedFireWall is the main package (ufw) and the GUI is gufw.

To install:

apt-get install gufw

This will install the front-end and the dependent packages

To turn it on:

ufw enable

The default is to block all incoming traffic.

To update and add your own firewall rules and allow incoming → Continue reading “Firewall for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS”