Using Microsoft PowerRename to Rename Batches of Files

If you have to rename a large number of files under Windows it is very tedious to do it one-by-one via the gui. Instead of writing a batch file, Microsoft has a suite of tools called PowerToys. PowerToys installs a utility called PowerRename that will do the job.

I did this under Windows 10, but I imagine that it is the same in Windows 11 based on the documentation on the PowerToys installation page.


  1. Start a PowerShell as
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Docker Cheat Sheet

Following are a number of my commonly used docker commands for my own reference


Run the following in the same directory in which your Dockerfile resides

docker build -t <image-name:<version.

Or you can specify the path to the Dockerfile

docker build . -t <image-name:<version-f /path/to/Dockerfile


Run a container interactively

Especially useful when debugging commands that you will encapsulate in a Docker file, this will enable you to run a base image and then execute → Continue reading “Docker Cheat Sheet”

Git Merge Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet

Some of git’s nomenclature can be confusing, especially since it is context dependent. Following are some TLDR;s for dealing with resolving merge conflicts in different scenarios.

–ours vs –theirs

The meaning of --ours vs --theirs can depend on whether you are doing a rebase or a merge.

Assuming that the feature branch is checked out

git merge developgit rebase develop
To keep changes from develop--theirs--ours
To keep changes from feature--ours--theirs

If, during a rebase there → Continue reading “Git Merge Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet”

kubectl/k8s Cheat Sheet

  • Namespaces
    • List all namespaces: kubectl get namespace
    • Set a namespace: kubens <namespace-name>
    • See currently set namespace: kubens -c
  • Pods
    • List all pods: kubectl get pods
    • List all pods in specific namespace: kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
    • Kill a pod: kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
    • Describe/get details of pod: kubectl describe pods <pod-name>
    • InitContainers
      • Get logs: First describe the pod and look for the name of the init container. Then run kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <init-container-name>
  • Deployments
    • Get the manifest for a
Continue reading “kubectl/k8s Cheat Sheet”

helm Cheat Sheet

Development Tips and Tricks

Test Template Rendering

Run the following. Instead of it installing the chart it will render the template and display the output

helm install --debug --dry-run <release-name> <path-to-chart-dir>

To test with an overriding value

helm install <release-name> <path-to-chart-dir> --dry-run --debug --set k=v


  • List releases: helm list
  • Get the manifest for a release: helm get manifest <release-name[flags]
Continue reading “helm Cheat Sheet”

Implementing a Stack in Go

One of the key features in go is simplicity. As a result there are a number of utilities and data structures that are common in other high-level languages that do not come with the go stdlib.

One of them is a stack. Following is a very simple implementation of a stack that uses a slice to store the data.

The following is an implementation of a simple stack that takes any kind of pointer.

import "fmt"

type Stack[T any] struct 
Continue reading “Implementing a Stack in Go”

Diffing the output of two commands

The GNU diff command on most Linux and UNIX systems will diff the contents of two files. With Bash, you can, using process substitution, take the output of any arbitrary command and process its input, or output, as a file descriptor. In this way, you can then use diff against the output of two commands as follows

diff <(cmd1) <(cmd2)

Both cmd1 and cmd2 will appear as a file name/file descriptor. The < character indicates that the file descriptor should → Continue reading “Diffing the output of two commands”

Creating Custom Vagrant Boxes for Integration Testing

For some things, a docker container will not work. For example, I am working on a Python project to automate the deployment and configuration of VMs and bare-metal boxes. It involves installing packages and configuring the OS and to properly test it requires a full fledged VM and not just a container.

Use packer to define the box you want to build

Install packer. The description straight from apt show packer is “HashiCorp Packer – A tool for creating identical Continue reading “Creating Custom Vagrant Boxes for Integration Testing”

Using Environment Variables in a Vagrant File

An easy way to parameterize a Vagrant file is to use environment variables. You simply need to export a variable and then refer to it in the Vagrant file with the following syntax.

Export the variable:

export SSH_PORT=22222

Sample Vagrant file that reads the exported variable

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "debian/bullseye64"
  config.vm.box_version = "11.20221219.1" "forwarded_port", guest: 22, host: ENV['SSH_PORT']
Continue reading “Using Environment Variables in a Vagrant File”

Declaring, Exporting, and Reading Dynamic Variables in Bash

If you want to dynamically define and export variable names in Bash here is the TLDR;

# Define the name of the variable

# Declare it and export it
declare -gx "$key"="some-value"

To then access that value via a dynamically generated variable name

# Create a variable that contains the variable name

# Read the value

Read the man page for declare for more details and read this article for a really good explanation and further examples.→ Continue reading “Declaring, Exporting, and Reading Dynamic Variables in Bash”