Executing Dynamically Generated SQL Queries from a Shell Script

Following is how to generate dynamic SQL in a shell script and then execute those queries.

Let’s say, for instance, that you have a list of tables that you want to flush regularly during development and don’t want to type in the SQL queries each time.  Moreover, you just want to maintain a list of the table names and add and remove from it when necessary and have your script dynamically generate and execute the delete statements.

For the purposes → Continue reading “Executing Dynamically Generated SQL Queries from a Shell Script”

Splitting a String into an Array with a Custom Delimiter in a Bash Shell Script

Most high level languages have some sort of String.split([delimiter]) method to create an array of Strings tokenized by a user specified delimiter.  This is a simple way to convert a CSV into an array.

Here is a quick way to do that in a bash shell script:


# Save the initial Interal Field Separator
# Set the IFS to a custom delimiter

read -a TOKENS <<< "${SOURCE_STRING}"
for i in "${TOKENS[@]}"
  echo "$i"

Continue reading “Splitting a String into an Array with a Custom Delimiter in a Bash Shell Script”